Natural mediterranean cosmetics with biodegradable packaging.
Your solid shampoo that does not generate waste.
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Vegan solid shampoo
Our solid white shampoo, made from white clay, is colorant-free and provides a thorough cleansing for normal hair. Contains olive oil, rosemary and thyme leaves, sweet almonds, and citrus extract.
Our solid earth color shampoo, made from red clay, is colorant-free and provides plenty of hydration and shine, especially for dry hair. Contains orange peel, sweet almond, sunflower seed, flax see and olive oil, and extract of the pomegranate fruit and rosemary leaf.
Our solid green shampoo, made from green clay, is colorant-free and specially formulated for oily hair, made with pine leaf oil, with sweet almond oil and saponaria leaf extract. It also contains lemon peel oils and citrus extracts, which have antiseptic properties and are indicated for oily hair.
Mi pelo es extremadamente seco, encrespado, quebradizo, sin cuerpo y con muchos nudos. Algo típico de cabellos curly. Desde que hice el cambio a este Champú, le siento con más vitalidad, brillo, sedoso y más grueso.
Primera experiència amb xampús sòlids i m'han sorprès positivament. Molta escuma. Bon packaging. El meu preferit el de magrana i taronja. Repetiré segur!
Hem provat els 3 i ens han encantat. No deixen residus al cabell, fan molt bona olor i fan escuma! Fàcils d'utilitzar i duren molt. Totalment recomanables!
Xampús sòlids, sense plàstics, ecològics i de proximitat! Tots tres fan molt bona olor, força espuma! Fàcils d'utilitzar i duren molt. Totalment recomanables!